We participate in concrete, aggregate, and soil proficiency testing programs under the AMRL and CCRL auspices and are assessed by the Laboratory Accreditation Bureau on a regular basis to ensure the quality of our material test results. Our laboratory testing capabilities include a broad range of services, such as
- Moisture Content
- Atterberg Limits
- Hydrometer Tests
- Unconfined Compression Test
- Unconsolidated Undrained Test
- Consolidation Test Swell Tests
- Pinhole Test, Crumb Test
- California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test
- Density, Organic Impurities, Surface Moisture, Evaporable Moisture Content, Uncompacted Void Content, Sand Equivalent, Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates
- SSD and Absorption of Aggregates
- Gradation Tests
- Compressive Strength of Concrete, Grout, Mortar, Soil-Cement/Lime Mixtures
- Beam Flexural Strength
- Specific Gravity
- Proctor Tests
- Compressive Strength
We have the capability to provide comprehensive and reliable material testing services for any project.